
First NSFW and you better be over 18.

A good boy spanking is one where the man-boy being spanked has an erection, orgasms, or just ejaculates sometime during the spanking scene. That is a little clinical and it isn't an official definition. I stole the term from another blog post (strictjuliespanks.blogspot.com) that seemed to be the closest things to what happens to me (or I would like to happen to me).

This is my travelogue as I explore this part of myself. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

UDPATE -- Book! I Wrote a Book!

I've taken all of my published and unpublished short stories and compiled them into an ebook (and maybe even a paperback if I can figure that part of the direct publishing thing out). If you are into what I am into, this is the book for you. And it is long. Really long.

Check it out, well, you can't; Amazon took it down for violating probably all sorts of decency rules. They really should have taken it down because of all the spelling and grammar problems not to mention some of the really terrible writing in places. Alas, the problem of being a self-published author with no editor.

For those late to the party, all of my stories have something to do with spanking mixed with involuntary, inappropriate, or otherwise untimely sexual response. The boys (this is a book about boys and men who are treated like boys) all muster an erection during their spankings and usually ejaculate or orgasm as well. That is a big part of what is going on but there is plenty of embarrassment, crying, shame, ruined orgasms, and sex as well.

What now? I had taken many of the stories in this blog and turned them into teasers for the book which, by the way, totally wasn't selling at all. I expanded a few and fixed some problems in a couple of them. I had just recently completed an editing pass over the whole to repair some of the more embarrassing problems with grammar, homonyms, and really just terrible writing. I am going to put all of those back into the blog here.

Writing a book was an accomplishment for me. Writing is fun and I do plenty of it for work. I've long considered writing a mainstream work of fiction or nonfiction. In the end, it seems fairly masturbatory. Very few people can make a living writing books but everyone seems to think that they have something to say. If it isn't going to sell and will just make me look like a douche (I can just hear myself saying, "I'm an author," at dinner party; it makes me cringe just thinking about it) then I may as well write a book that I want to read and will enjoy writing.

In the end, that is really what this is all about. Writing about spanking is therapy for me. I not only get my writing fix but I also get to explore my fantasies, work through my myriad of issues, and create something that is purely my own. It is like gardening: no one gives a fuck about anyone's garden. The pleasure it gives the gardener is that it is their garden that they cultivated.

This is my garden. It isn't my life's work, how I will be remembered by my friends and family after I'm gone, or any of that. It is a thing I do that makes me happy. I'm a little proud of it and do wish that I was asked to speak at conferences, known as an expert, made money from royalty checks that just appear in my mailbox, and was asked to sign copies of my book. It would be nice.

What is also nice is getting up early most morning and writing a few paragraphs about spanking while making a little tent and wet spot in my pajamas.

It would also be nice hearing that someone else liked my stories. Let me know; it would make my day.